
马来西亚青年运动(青运)章程 – 华文版本

第一条款 名称


第二条款 注册办事处
  青运总会办事处设于42G-3, Lorong 6E/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia或由中央执行委员会决定后而获得青年社团注册官批准之其他地点。


第三条款 会议地点
3.1 所有各级青运之会议,将在注册办事处举行,或由总会、州分会、县会或支会理事会因时而决定的地点。


第四条款 宗旨
4.1 青运之宗旨为:
4.1.1 从事青年教育与训练工作,以期造就富理想和有干劲的时代青年。
4.1.2 带动并领导青年参与青年工作以及社会服务,共赴建国使命。
4.1.3 关注和研究时下青年所面对的问题,并采取必要措施,以照顾及确保青年的福利和身心健全发展,全面提升彼等之素质和地位。
4.1.4 从事研究社会发展理论,以引导及辅助社会兴革的长远工作。
4.1.5 促进国民团结,建立和谐关爱的马来西亚社会。
4.1.6 晋身国际青年运动舞台,通过文化交流和经济合作,实现「和平、进步、繁荣」三大理想。
4.1.7 维护国家宪法和国家原则,捍卫联合国人权宣言。


第五条款 权力
5.1 青运有权:
5.1.1 筹款以实现本章程内所定之宗旨。
5.1.2 接受任何支持本运动宗旨之机构或个人之辅助金、基金、年捐、捐款及遗产等。
5.1.3 捐助、开销或支付任何由中央代表大会或中央执行委员会批准款项。
5.1.4 保管不急用款项,将之投资于证券或进行其他形式之投资。唯此举必须获得中央代表大会或经授权之中央执行委员会之批准。
5.1.5 购买、租赁、继承或以其他方式取得之土地或建筑物,为青年之福利及发展作出贡献。
5.1.6 征购及承办任何符合青运宗旨之个人或公司的全部、局部的土地发展、商业经营、产业等。
5.1.7 鼓励、支持及协助任何致力于青年福利之筹款计划或号召。
5.1.8 经有关当局批准下印刷、出版及发行(不论以赠送或出售方式)推出各种相关于青年和社会发展之报告书、定期刊物、书籍、小册、传单及其他文件。
5.1.9 直接或联合国内青年机构、国际青年组织或福利机构主办或参与各种区域性、全国性或国际性之研讨会等和各类形式的会议。
5.1.10 直接或与政府或其他机构合作进行一切有利于实现上述宗旨之合法活动。
5.1.11 可依据法律程序可抵押、转让或出让土地、建筑物或其他财产,唯必须经过中央代表大会或特别中央代表大会之四分之三出席代表之同意。


第六条款 非政治
6.1 青运将不受任何政党利用和控制。


第七条款 标志
7.1 青运标志中心是一个巨轮,象征青运以推动青年自立自强,催化社会兴革发展为中心哲学,诚如时代巨轮恒然往前发展、演进。


第八条款 会员
8.1 青运开放于年龄由十五岁至四十岁之所有马来西亚青年。
8.2 欲申请入会者,须填写青运之入会申请表格,经一名会员介绍,然后由支会寄交所属之州分会,再由州分会呈交于青运总秘书,最后交由中央执行委员会批准。中央执行委员会之决定,为最后之决定。
8.3 此项条款已被删除。
8.4 入会基金五零吉。
8.5 永久会员须缴纳五十零吉或由中央执行委员会根据时势所制定的价格,会员费全部呈交总会。永久会员的合法性至四十岁为止。
8.6 普通会员年捐四零吉,由入会之日期至该年年底止。年捐全部呈交总会。
8.7 会员须呈交十零吉以作为转支会或由普通会员转至永久会员之费用。
8.8 所有年捐必须呈交总财政,并由总财政发出正式收据。凡在十二月卅一日前缴清会员年捐于总财政者,方有资格出席下届之常年代表大会。(以下被称为“合格会员或代表”)


第九条款 组织
9.1 中央代表大会
9.1.1 青运之最高权力机构为中央代表大会。
9.1.2 中央代表大会将由下列成员(简称中央代表)组成,他们的任期为两年:


a) 每一合格的州分会可根据合格会员人数选出中央代表。每一州分会代表人数不可超过五十人,如章程9.3.1B项。
b) 中央执行委员会之成员,如章程之9.2.1A条所示。
c) 全国稽查两名。
9.1.3 中央代表大会每年至少召开一次,代表大会之合法人数须有中央代表人数的二分之一或中委会人数之两倍,以何者较少为准。
9.1.4 中央代表大会之职权:


a) 确定章程之实行及组织形式。
b) 制定政策以监督青运各项计划与活动。
c) 审查中央执行委员会之常年报告及接纳稽查后的帐目。
d) 决定青运与国内或国际性组织之关系。
e) 重新选举任期已满的中央执行委员会及两名稽查。
9.2 中央执行委员会
9.2.1A 中央执行委员会成员包括:


a) 总会长一名,署理总会长一名,副总会长八名,总秘书一名,署理总秘书一名,助理总秘书一名,总财政一名,副总财政一名及全国组织秘书一名。
b) 票选中央委员二十名。
c) 总秘书,署理总秘书,助理总秘书,总财政,副总财政,全国组织秘书由总会长委任,被委任者必须是中央代表。总会长经中央执行委员会同意,最多可委任七名中委,被委任者必须是中央代表,委员会有权撤除上述有关的委任。
d) 各州分会之主席为当然州驻总会代表,如果他没有担任前述条款所列的职位。如州主席是中委会之成员,则州分会有权另委州驻总会代表。
9.2.1B 州驻总会代表及委任中委之职权与票选中委相同,并统称为中委。
9.2.2 中央执行委员会职委任期为二年。
9.2.3 中央执行委员会每三个月必须召开会议至少一次。
9.2.4 中央执行委员会会议之法定人数为委员会成员之一半或二十位,以何者较少为准。
9.2.5 任何中委,若无充分书面理由而连续缺席会议两次,将丧失其中央执行委员会之资格。
9.2.6 除总会长一职之外,中央执行委员会有权填补任何出现之中央执行委员会之空缺职位,被委任者必须是中央代表或州驻总会代表。
9.2.7 如果总会长停止掌职,署理总会长将代理其职,至另一位新的总会长在选举年之中央代表大会上被选出为止。如果代理总会长在新任总会长还未选出之前,以任何理由停止掌职,中央执行委员会有权在八位副总会长之中选出一名为代理总会长。
9.2.8 中央执行委员会的职权:


a) 执行中央代表大会之议决。
b) 经中央代表大会批准下拟定青运之财政预算及安排有关融资。
c) 进行各种形式会议,调查及研究,并设立必要机构以推动有关会议,调查及研究。
d) 视需要而设立州分会及批准县会及支会之成立。
e) 批准青运会员之申请书。
f) 在不违反青运章程之情况下拟定,修正或取消条款及细则以加强青运之行政效率。这些条款及细则将被视为章程的一部分,并享有与其同等地位及效力。
9.2.9 总会长将主持中央执行委员会之所有会议,于双方票数相等时,他拥有决定权。若有特别事故,他有权召开中央代表大会或中央执行委员会之紧急会议。
9.2.10 如果总会长缺席,署理总会长有权代理前者主持一切会议及处理事务。如果总会长和署理总会长缺席,则任何一位副总会长将代为行使彼等之职权。
9.2.11 除 了有关财政事务外,总秘书须保存一切记录及负责其正确性。他亦负责呈报在二零零七年 青年团体与青年发展法令下所规定的常年报告。他须发出会议通知书及保存 会议记录,亦需保存全国青运会员之名册。总秘书有权支配三千零吉内之款项。任何超过三千零吉之开支,必须经过总会长、总秘书和总财政之批准。如果超过十千 零吉者,则需经过中央执行委员会之批准。
9.2.12 署理总秘书应协助总秘书并在总秘书缺席时代其行使职权。如果总秘书和署理总秘书缺席,助理总秘书将代为行使彼等之职权。
9.2.13 总 财政可保存不超过三千零吉之手头现款,如超过此数目,则须以青运之名义存入中央执行 委员会所指定的银行里。如欲取出任何款项,除了总财政签署外,尚得经总 会长或总秘书其中一人之联署。总财政有权签署所有收到款项之各种收据。副总财政应协助总财政并在总财政缺席时代其行使职权。
9.2.14 中央常务委员会:
  中 央常务委员会由总会长、署理总会长、八名副总会长、总秘书、署理总秘书、助理总秘 书、总财政、副总财政、全国组织秘书及一到四位由常务委员会所委任之成员 组成,所有成员皆拥有表决权,常务委员会会议的法定人数为委员会成员之一半。该委员会的任期与中央执行委员会相同,并拥有下列职权:


a) 执行中央执行委员会之议决。
b) 处理任何紧急事件。
c) 制定及执行青运外交政策。
d) 协调总会所有活动。
9.3 州分会
9.3.1 中央执行委员会有权在每一州成立分会。总秘书须召集在该州之成立会议,但该会议至少须有二十名居住在该州之会员出席始能生效。
9.3.1A 州分会在任何时候必须至少拥有三个或以上的合格支会及至少八十名会员,他们必须是截至上一年十二月三十一日止已缴清年捐之有效会员,方可成为合格州分会。
9.3.1B 每一合格州分会必须按照以下方法选出中央代表,出席中央代表大会;


i) 在会员名册内的首一百名合格会员中选出四名代表。
ii) 在会员名册内的另九百名合格会员中,每五十名选出一名代表。
iii) 在会员名册内剩余的合格会员中,每一百名会员选出一名代表,直至根据本条款选出的代表大会代表人数达至最高限额的五十名代表为止。
9.3.2 州分会必须在每年六月一日至六月三十日之间召开常年大会,如有超过三分之一的州代表以书面提出要求,或在州分会理事会,州主席或中央执行委员会之训令下,州分会秘书可在卅天内召开特别大会。
9.3.3 州分会大会的代表(简称州代表)将包括下列成员,他们的任期为两年:


a) 每一支会可派三名代表,另一百名合格会员,可增派一名代表,唯每个支会的代表人数不可超过七名。
b) 每一县会可派三名代表。
c) 州分会理事会的成员。
d) 州分会之两名稽查。
9.3.4 州分会代表大会之合法人数须有州分会代表总人数的二分之一或理事会成员之两倍,以何者较少为准。
9.3.5 以下是州分会代表大会所讨论之事项:


a) 宣读和覆准前期议案。
b) 审核州分会理事会之帐目及全年报告。
c) 重新选举任期已满的州分会理事会之理事。
d) 重新选举任期已满的两名稽查。
e) 选出中央代表出席中央代表大会。
f) 任何提案须于七天前以书面向州秘书提出。
9.3.6 州分会理事会包括


a) 主席一名,署理主席一名,副主席四名,秘书一名,副秘书一名,财政一名,组织秘书一名。
b) 票选理事至少十名至最多十五名。
c) 州主席将委任州秘书,州副秘书,州财政,州组织秘书,被委任者必须是州代表。州主席经州分会理事会同意,最多可委任五名理事,州分会理事会有权撤除有关委任。
d) 各县会主席(如有)为当然县驻州代表,如县会主席是州理事,则另委代表。
9.3.7 如州主席是中委,州理事会有权委任或更改州理事成为州驻总会代表。唯被革除的州驻总会代表不能在同一届重新被委任。
9.3.8 委任理事、各县驻州分会代表之职权与票选理事相同,并统称为州理事。
9.3.9 州分会理事会每两个月召开会议至少一次。
9.3.10 州分会理事会会议之法定人数为该州理事会成员之一半或十二位,以何者少数为准。
9.3.11 任何理事若无充份书面理由而连续缺席会议三次,将丧失其理事资格,州分会理事会有权填补任何出现州分会理事会之空缺职位。
9.3.12 州分会理事会有权填补出席中央代表大会之代表空缺,如有关代表以书面辞职或逝世。
9.3.13 州分会主席为会议中之当然主席及须签署各种记录。于双方票数相等时,他拥有决定权。如果遇有特别事宜,他有权召开特别大会或州分会理事会紧急会议。
9.3.14 如果主席缺席,署理主席有权代理,如果主席和署理主席都缺席,将由任何一位副主席代理其职权。
9.3.15 州 分会秘书必须依照章程主持州分会之事务及执行州分会理事会之指示。他须发出通知书, 并保存州内各县及支会的会员登记册。州分会秘书有权支配两千零吉内之款 项,超过此数目之开支,则须经过州分会主席,秘书及财政之批准。任何超过五千零吉之开销款项,必须先经过州分会理事会之批准。
9.3.16 州分会副秘书须协助秘书处理各项事务,并在其缺席时代理其职权。
9.3.17 州分会财政负责整个州分会之款项、保存州分会之帐目,并负责向总财政汇报州分会、县会及支会拨款数目。
9.3.18 州分会之基金及财产为青运之共同财产,州分会财政有权保存不超过一千零吉之手头现款。如超过一千零吉者,应以州分会之名义存入由中央执行委员会所批准之银行。任何超出一千零吉数目必须得到州主席、州秘书及州财政之批准。任何超过两千零吉之数目必须得到州分会理事会之批准。
9.3.19 州分会财政每三个月须将帐目呈交给全国总财政,作为后者之记录资料。
9.3.20 州分会理事会之任何筹款计划,必须预先以书面通知中央执行委员会。当该项计划完成后,必须于卅天内将帐目呈交总财政。任何拨款申请之副本须呈总财政,并于拨款申请批准后,在卅天内呈报总财政。
9.3.21 州分会理事会有权设立各小组以执行州内之各项计划与活动。
9.4 县会
9.4.1A 在州分会理事会认为适宜并经中央执行委员会批准下可在拥有至少三个支会的政府行政县区内成立县会。在成立县会大会中,至少需有二十名来自县内之会员出席。
9.4.1B 县会必须拥有至少三个合格支会,才是合格的县会。
9.4.2 州分会理事会将拥有控制县会的权力,并且在任何县会拒绝执行中央代表大会、中央执行委员会、州分会代表或州分会理事会的规则或决定之情况下,有权冻结或接管之。被冻结或接管之县会可在十四天内向中央执行委员会提出上诉,后者之决定为最后决定。
9.4.3 县会代表大会须于每年四月十五日至五月十五日之间召开,如有超过三分之一的县代表以书面提出要求,或在县会主席或州分会理事会或中央执行委员会的训令下,县会秘书得在卅天内召开特别大会。
9.4.4 县会代表大会将包括以下之代表(简称县代表)其任期与中央执行委员会相同:


a) 每支会可派五名已缴清年捐之代表,其中支会主席,秘书为当然代表,如他们没有担任县会理事会之任何职位。
b) 县会理事会之全体成员,如章程9.4.7A项。
c) 县会稽查。
9.4.5 县会代表大会之合法人数须有县会代表人数的二分之一或县会理事会成员之两倍,以何者较少为准。
9.4.6 以下为县会代表大会所处理之事宜:


a) 宣读和覆准前期议案。
b) 接纳经过稽查之常年帐目和县会理事会之常年报告。
c) 于任期届满时,选出三名代表出席州分会代表大会。
d) 于任期届满时,选出县会理事会理事。
e) 于任期届满时,选出两名稽查。
f) 处理任何其他事宜,这些事宜至少须于七天前以书面通知县会秘书。
9.4.7A 县会理事会包括:


a) 主席一名,署理主席一名,副主席三名,秘书一名,副秘书一名,财政一名,组织秘书一名。
b) 不少过六名但不超过十二名票选理事。
c) 县会秘书,副秘书,财政,组织秘书将由县会主席委任。县主席经县会理事会同意,最多可委任四名理事,被委任者必须是县会代表,县会理事会有权撤除上述有关委任。
9.4.8 县会理事会每两个月至少须召开一次会议。
9.4.9 县会理事会会议之法定人数为县会理事会成员人数之一半或最少十人,以何者较少为准。
9.4.10 任何县会理事会理事若无充分书面理由而连续缺席县会理事会会议三次者将丧失其理事资格。县会理事会有权填补任何可出现的空缺。
9.4.11 县会理事会有权填补派往州代表大会代表中所可能出现的任何空缺,如有关代表以书面辞职或逝世。
9.4.12 县会主席将主持所有的县会理事会会议及签署一切记录。在双方票数相等时,他拥有决定权。他有权召开县会代表大会或县会理事会之紧急会议以处理特别事故。
9.4.13 如果县会主席缺席,署理县会主席将代理其职权,如果前两者皆缺席,其他的副主席之一将代替履行主席之职责
9.4.14 县会秘书将依据青运规则处理县会之事务以及执行县会理事会之指示。他将发出会议通知书。
9.4.15 县会副秘书将协助县会秘书并且在后者缺席的情况下履行其职责。
9.4.16 县会财政将负责县会的一切财务,并得保存帐目。
9.4.17 县 会之基金及财产为青运之共同财产。县会财政有权保存不超过八百零吉之手头现金,任何超出这些数目,应以县会之名义存入由中央执行委员会所批准之银行。县会 秘书有权支配八百零吉以内之款项。任何超出三百零吉数目必须得到县会主席、秘书及财政之批准。任何超过一千零吉之数目必须得到县会理事会之批准。
9.4.18 县会财政每年必须向总财政及州分会财政提呈帐目报告,作为州分会及总会之资料记录。
9.4.19 县会理事会所有筹款计划必须预先以书面通知州分会。在上述计划完成的卅天内必须向州分会财政提呈帐目报告。任何拨款申请之副本须呈交总财政及州分会财政,并于拨款申请批准后,在卅天内呈报总财政及将副本呈交州分会财政。
9.5 支会
9.5.1A 如果州分会理事会认为适宜,州分会可在该州地区或市镇设立支会,唯必须得到中央执行委员会的批准。至少须有二十名会员方可成立一支会。
9.5.1B 如有县会,新成立的支会将自动成为县会成员。
9.5.2 支会理事将在支会会员大会中选出,其中包括主席一名,署理主席一名,副主席两名,以及不少过五名但不超过九名理事,两名稽查,任期为两年。
9.5.2A 支会主席将委任支会秘书,副秘书,财政。支会主席经支会理事会同意,最多可委任两名理事,理事会有权撤除上述有关委任。
9.5.3 支会会员大会之法定人数为支会会员之半数或者支会理事会理事人数之两倍,以何者较少为准。
9.5.4 支会理事会会议法定人数为理事会成员之半数或至少七位,以何者较少为准。
9.5.5 任何理事若无充份书面理由而连续缺席会议三次者将丧失其支会理事会理事资格。支会理事会有权填补任何可能出现的空缺。
9.5.6 支会理事会有权填补派往州代表大会和县代表大会中所可能出现的空缺。
9.5.7 州 分会理事会将拥有控制州内支会的权力,并且在任何支会拒绝执行中央代表大会、中央执行委员会、州分会代表大会、州分会理事会、县会代表大会或县会理事会的 规则或决定之情况下,有权冻结或接管之。被冻结或接管之支会可在十四天内向中央执行委员会提出上诉,后者之决定为最后决定。
9.5.8 支会会员大会必须在每年二月一日至三月三十一日之间召开。如有超过三分之一以上合格会员以书面提出要求,或在支会主席或县会理事会或州分会理事会的训令下,支会秘书得在卅天内召开特别大会。
9.5.9 以下为支会常年大会所处理之事项:


a) 宣读与覆准前期议案。
b) 接纳经过稽查之常年帐目和支会理事会之常年报告。
c) 于任期届满时,选出支会理事会之理事。
d) 于任期届满时,选出两名稽查。
e) 于任期届满时,选出派往县会代表大会的五名代表。
f) 于任期届满时,选出派往州代表大会的代表。
g) 处理任何其他事项,这些事项至少必须于七天前以书面通知支会秘书。
9.5.10 支会主席将主持所有的支会理事会会议与签署一切记录。于双方票数相等时,他拥有决定权。他有权召开支会或支会理事会的任何紧急会议以处理特别事故。
9.5.11 如果支会主席缺席,支会署理主席将代替其职位。如果两者皆缺席,副主席将履行主席之职责。
9.5.12 支会秘书将依据青运规则处理支会事宜与执行支会理事会的指示。他将发出会议通知书与保存一切会议的记录。他得保存一份支会会员名册。
9.5.13 支会副秘书将协助支会秘书,并在后者缺席的情况下履行其职责。
9.5.14 支会财政将负责支会的一切财务。他得保管帐目,鸠收年捐并通过州分会财政将所有收集之年捐呈交给总财政。他得通知拖欠年捐的支会会员以通过支会秘书与州分会秘书通知中央执行委员会由于丧失会员资格而被删除名字的人士。
9.5.15 支会理事会的一切筹款计划必须得到州分会理事会之批准。在上述计划完成的三十天内必须向州分会财政呈报帐目。任何拨款申请之副本需交总财政、州分会财政及县会财政,并于拨款申请批准后,在卅天内呈报总财政,副本呈交州分会财政及县会财政。
9.5.16 支 会之基金及财产将成为青运之共同财产,支会财政可保存不超过五百零吉之现款,任何超过此数目者将以支会之名义存入中央执行委员会批准之银行。支会秘书有权 批准不超过五百零吉以内之款项。任何超出此数目者必须得到支会主席、秘书及财政之批准。任何超过一千零吉之开支须获得支会理事会之批准。
9.5.17 支会财政每年必须向总财政、州分会及县会财政呈报帐目,作为后者之记录资料。
9.6 名誉职位
9.6.1 中央执行委员会、州分会理事会、县会理事会、支会理事会有权委任显要人物,专业人士或对青运有功同志及社会热心人士为赞助人、名誉顾问、医药顾问、法律顾问、会务顾问或单位顾问,其任期与相对之委员会/理事会相同。
9.7 运行规则


第十条款 会议
10.1 中央代表大会之常年大会
10.1.1 中央代表大会需在每年七月十五日至八月十五日之间召开常年大会,所处理之事项如下:


a) 宣读与覆准前期议案。
b) 接纳常年报告。
c) 接纳并通过稽查后之常年帐目。
d) 于任期届满时,选出中央执行委员会委员。
e) 于任期届满时,选出两名稽查。
f) 处理任何于至少七天前以书面通知总秘书的其他事项。
10.2 中央代表大会之特别大会
10.2.1 总会长或中央执行委员会可召开特别大会,或者在至少相等于三分之一以上的有效中央代表以书面向总秘书提出要求下召开。后者必须在收到上述要求的十四天内确定特别大会日期,并如期召开特别大会。特别大会只处理所提出的特别事项,此事项须注明在议程内。
10.3 会议通知
10.3.1 中央代表大会或州分会代表大会或县会代表大会或支会会员大会之常年大会会议通知书至少须于两星期或之前发出。
10.3.2 中央代表大会或州分会代表大会或县会代表大会或支会会员大会之特别大会会议通知书至少须于十天前发出。
10.3.3 中央执行委员会、州分会理事会、县会理事会和支会理事会所有的会议通知书至少须于七天前发出。
10.4 在会员要求下而召开的会议,如果在所确定会议之时间半小时后乃不足法定人数,则此项会议将取消。在任何其他情况下,该会议将展延至不早于七天而不超过十四天的一个日期。在该展延的会议中,所出席的代表将构成法定人数。唯展延的支会会员大会出席人数最少须要七位。
10.5 中央执行委员会或州分会理事会或县会理事会或支会理事会将委任一名议长以主持中央代表大会或州分会代表大会或县会代表大会或支会会员大会。议长须主持与控制大会顺利进行以及取消任何不遵守会议规则之代表或会员之出席会议资格。
10.6 青运各级选举年度须与中央执行委员会之选举年度相同,任何在其他年度进行选举之单位需在该年进行重选。
10.7 一切信件、文件及相关资料可通过电子邮件传送。有关电子邮件具有与传统邮寄方式相同的合法性。


第十一条款 投票
11.1 任何须经由中央代表大会或州分会代表大会或县会代表大会或支会会员大会票决的事项,则每一出席的代表或会员将只拥有一票。在双方票数相等的情况下,该事项将视为不被通过。
11.2 任何须经由中央执行委员会或州分会理事会或县会理事会或支会理事会会议票决之事项,每一委员/理事将只有一票,在双方票数相等时,总会长或主席将拥有决定权。
11.3 选举中央执行委员会或州分会理事会或县会理事会或支会理事会之委员/理事时,将以秘密投票方式进行。所有其他事项将由会议决定以秘密投票或举手方式进行。
11.4 拖欠年捐之会员在任何大会中将没有投票权,也没有资格被选为中央执行委员会或州分会理事会或县会理事会或支会理事会之委员/理事。


第十二条款 候选人、代表之资格
12.1A 青运各组织职位之候选人及其提议人、附议人,必须为中央代表大会、州分会代表大会、县会代表大会之合格代表或支会合格会员,并于该选举年一月一日不得超过四十岁。
12.1B 总会长、州主席、县会主席、支会主席可重选连任,唯任期不可超过三届六年。
12.2 中央执行委员会、州分会理事会与县会理事会之候选人必须出席中央代表大会、州分会代表大会或县会代表大会之代表。
12.3 出席中央代表大会和州分会代表大会之代表在有关大会举行该年一月一日须成为合格会员至少一年。总会长可在特别情况下,并在获得中央执行委员会同意后豁免此项条款。
12.4 所有中央执行委员会、州分会理事会、县会理事会与支会理事会之侯选人以及所有担任执行任务的人员须为马来西亚公民。
12.5 中央执行委员会、州分会理事会、县会理事会或支会理事会之任何成员不得在同一委员会/理事会内担任超过一个职位。
12.6 青运各级组织之受薪职员将无选举权,亦不得成为各级组织大会之代表。


第十三条款 中央咨询委员会
13.1 中央执行委员会有权委任一个至少五名成员或最多十五名成员的中央咨询委员会,其任期与前者相同。
13.2 中央咨询委员会将成为中央执行委员会在制定青运之政策、计划与活动的咨询机构。
13.3 中央咨询委员会之委员们将在他们之中选举一名主席与一名秘书。中央咨询委员会会议之法定人数为委员会人数之一半。
13.4 中央咨询委员会在必要时将召开会议,其秘书至少须于十四天前发出通知书于中央咨询委员会之委员。
13.5 中央咨询委员会之主席将主持中央咨询委员会所有的会议并签署一切记录。在双方票数相等时,他拥有决定权。他有权召开中央咨询委员会之紧急会议以处理特别事故。
13.6 中央咨询委员会之秘书将根据青运规则处理中央咨询委员会之事务以及执行其指示,他将发出会议通知书以及记录中央咨询委员会所有的会议。


第十四条款 产业管理人
14.1 根据2007年青年团体与青年发展法令11(b)条文,青运可委任总会长、总秘书及总财政为产业管理人,他们在任期内有权执行管理产业的工作及有权联名签署青运的不动产买卖,抵押或出让的任何文件。当他们中委任期结束时,此管理权力也自动结束。
14.2 总会长、总秘书及总财政(产业管理人)不能抵押、转让或出让青运的产业,唯必须获得中央代表大会或特别代表大会之决议。


第十五条款 纪律委员会
15.1 一 个纪律委员会将由中央执行委员会成员中选出,包括七名至少来自四个不同州属之中央执 行委员会成员组成,其任期为两年。该委员会有权冻结及接管任何州分会、 县会或支会,暂停职权或撤职或冻结以及开除会员籍,并处理其他投诉和来自会员、各级执委,州级或以下单位之上诉,受影响之会员。执委或单位可在纪律委员会 的裁决发出后十四天内向中央执行委员会提出上诉。
15.2 纪律委员会将从他们之中选出主席一名与秘书一名。纪律委员会之会议合法人数为其人数之一半。
15.3 当需要时,纪律委员会可随时召开会议。纪律委员会之秘书须于三天前发出通知。
15.4 纪律委员会之主席将主持所有纪律委员会之会议以及签署一切记录。在双方票数相等时,他拥有决定权。
15.5 纪律委员会之秘书将依据青运规则处理纪律委员会之事务以及执行纪律委员会之指示。他将发出会议通知书以及记录纪律委员会所有的会议。
15.6A 纪律委员会之裁决为最后决定。
15.6B 如有上诉,中央执行委员会所作的决定将是最后决定。


第十六条款 财务
16.1 青运之常年收支帐目以及资产负债表必须刊载于常年报告中以便呈交给中央代表大会,其副本必须连同常年大会通知寄交中央代表大会之代表。
16.2 青运之收入与财产以及所有收入之款项只能用作促进、提倡与执行青运之宗旨。其任何部分不能当作股息花红或盈利付给青运之任何会员。为正当的付给薪酬或费用或两者予任何青运之职员或雇员或青运之任何会员或其他为青运提供服务之人士将不受禁止。
16.3 青 运总会或州分会或县会或支会之稽查必须稽查总会或州分会或县会或支会各自该年的帐 目,以及准备报告呈交中央代表大会或州分会或县会或支会之常年大会。在他 们的任期内,在总会长或主席需要的情况下,稽查须在任何日期审查任何时期的帐目,并呈报给中央执行委员会或州分会理事会或县会理事会或支会理事会。
16.4 总会、州分会、县会及支会稽查之选举方式与中央执行委员会、州理事会、县理事会及支会理事会成员相同。
16.5 中 央执行委员会,州分会理事会,县会理事会及支会理事会之稽查须查核委员会/理事会之 帐目,以便呈交给有关大会通过。如稽查不论任何理由无法执行其职责,将 由属上单位之稽查审核帐目,支会之帐目由属上县会或州分会(如无县会)之稽查审核,县会之帐目由属上州分会之稽查审核,州分会之帐目由总稽查审核。
16.6 如稽查出现空缺,可于中央代表大会、州代表大会、县代表大会及支会会员大会中推选填补。
16.7 各单位的财政报告为每年的一月一日至十二月三十一日。
第16A条款 青运基金会董事部委员会
16A.1 基金会名称
16A.2 宗旨


a) 赞助各族文化教育慈善机构。
b) 赞助各族文化教育及慈善活动。
c) 救济病患灾黎家境清寒及急需援助之人士。
d) 赞助大马青年子弟从事教育事业。
e) 赞助大马青年子弟进修青年及文化相关课程。
16A.3 基金会会址
42G-3, Lorong 6E/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
16A.4 基金
a) 基金会可向青运会员募捐。
b) 基金会可视情况所需,向社会人士募捐。
c) 基金会的基金应存放於青运中央执行委员会指定之银行或拥有执照之金融机构。
d) 在青运中央执行委员会同意并授权下,基金会有权利为基金利益购买置任何不动产,为此行动必须事先获得青运中央委员会的批准。
e) 基金会不可从事商业活动以及运用其产业作为商业用途。
f) 基金会经稽查的常年帐目以及董事部成员名单必须每年向青运中央执行委员会呈报。
g) 基金会经稽查的常年帐目以及董事部成员名单必须每年向马来西亚内陆税收总监位于吉隆坡的总部呈报。
16A.5 永久会员籍
a) 二十一岁的马来西亚公民或在马来西亚注册的社团或商业机构。
b) 捐助基金会之社团或商业机构最少五千零吉者,个人最少一千零吉者将成为永久会员。
c) 欲申请入会者,需填写会员之入会申请表格,经一名会员介绍及另一名中委附议,最后交由中央执行委员会批准。中央执行委员会之决定为最后之决定。
16A.6 丧失会员的资格
a) 个人遭到刑事案定罪者或破产者。
b) 公司倒闭。
c) 医院鉴定精神病患或失常者。
d) 本身要求退出。
e) 本身违反青运章程及规则。
16A.7 会员大会


a) 会员大会至少每年召开一次,俾接纳董事部往年会务的报告及经稽查帐目。
b) 会员大会为基金会最高机构。法定人数为会员人数的一半或董事的两倍,视何者为少。并选出最少十名至最多二十五名董事部成员及稽查两名,并在青运中央执行委员会改选后六十天内选出。
c) 首五十名会员的董事部有特权选出成员为十名,每二十五名会员增加一名会员董事。
16A.8 组织结构
a) 董事部成员将由票选会员董事及非会员董事组成。
b) 非会员董事之人数须与会员董事人数相等,并由青运中央执行委员会推荐。
c) 董事部成员将在他们之中选出一名董事长、一名署理董事长、三名副董事长、一名董事秘书、一名董事副秘书、一名董事财政、一名董事副财政等九位董事常委。
d) 董事部会议之法定人数为最少十五人或董事部成员一半,视何者为少为准。
e) 董事部每六个月须召开会议至少一次。其董事秘书至少需于十四天前发出通知书于董事部成员。
f) 董事部之董事长将主持董事部所有的会议并签署一切记录。在双方面票数相等时,董事长拥有决定权。董事长有权召开董事部之紧急会议以处理特别事故。
g) 董事部之董事秘书将根据青运规则处理董事部之事务并执行其指示。董事部将发出会议通知书及记录董事部所有的会议。
h) 董事部有权成立任何小组,以有效的执行其任务。
16A.9 职权及任务
a) 董事长主持所有会议,倘正缺勤,则由署理董事长代行其职务。
b) 董事秘书处理基金会的一切事务,包括执行一切议决案。
c) 董事副秘书协助董事秘书处理其职务倘董事秘书缺勤,则由董事副秘书代行其职务。
d) 董事财政掌管基金会收支款项,手上不得存有超过一千零吉之款项,超出此数额时,必须储存於青运中央执行委员会指定之银行或拥有执照之金融公司的户口中。
e) 董事副财政协助董事财政处理其职务,倘董事财政缺勤时,则代行其职务。
f) 所有银行支票需由三名委员,即以下每一职组中的一名委员签署:
g) 董事部在收取任何款项时,必须发出由基金会秘书处所供给之临时收据,并尽快将款项交给基金会财政部存入银行户口中,以及由基金会财务部发出正式收据给捐款人。
h) 基金会董事常委负责基金会的一切联络工作。其他董事协助处理基金会的一切事务。
16A.10 支出款项权力
16A.11 审查小组
16A.12 解散
16A.13 修改细则


第十七条款 修正
17.1 这些规则可在任何中央代表大会中增加、废除或修正,唯必须以书面在三十天前发出修正建议通知书,任何更改或修正必须得到青年社团注册官批准之后方可实施。


第十八条款 规则之释义
18.1 关于这些规则的释义,中央执行委员会的诠释将是最后的决定,除非经中央代表大会加以撤销。中央执行委员会可全权处理不在此章程规定的任何事项。


第十九条款 会员登记册
19.1 全国总会、州分会、县会和支会所保有之会员登记册必须包括以下之细节:姓名、地址、身份证号码、出生日期、职业、以及入会日期。


第二十条款 解散
20.1 除非得到青运中央代表大会为此目的而召开的大会中不少过五分之三的青运代表们之同意,青运将不解散。
20.2 如果青运在上述条款下解散,则青运所有的合法债务必须还清,剩余的基金则由中央代表大会所决定的任何方式分配。
20.3 中央执行委员会所签署的解散通知须于解散后的十四天内呈交青年社团注册官。
i) 以上章程条款已于二零一八年七月二十日之第四十六届中央代表大会通过全面修正,并于二零一八年十一月一日获青年社团注册官批准生效。
ii) 本章程内容如有发生争执,将依据英文版本为标准。

马来西亚青年运动(青运)章程 – 英文版本






1.1 The name of the Movement shall be Pergerakan Pemuda Malaysia (Young Malaysians Movement) (Y.M.M.). It shall be referred to hereinafter as “Y.M.M.”.



2.1 The registered office of Y.M.M. shall be at 42G-3, Lorong 6E/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia until otherwise decided by the Central Executive Council and approved by the Registrar of Youth Societies.



3.1 All meetings of Y.M.M. shall be held at the registered branches of Y.M.M. or at such places as may be determined by the Central Executive Council or State Committee or District Committee or Branch Committee as the case may be from time to time.



4.1 The objects of Y.M.M. are:
4.1.1 To undertake training and education of youths towards moulding of contemporary younger generation imbued with aspirations and dynamism.
4.1.2 To encourage and lead participation by the younger generation in youth works and social service activities in a concerted effort towards nation building.
4.1.3 To focus on and research into problems encountered by youths generally and further to implement such measures as may be necessary for their welfare and well-being and in advancement of the overall quality and status of the younger generation.
4.1.4 To undertake study and research into theories of social development in aid of and as guiding principles for long-term efforts in effecting positive social changes.
4.1.5 To promote national unity and integration towards a harmonious and caring Malaysian society.
4.1.6 To participate in international youth arena with a view towards realisation of “Peace, Progress and Prosperity” through cultural exchanges and economic co-operations.
4.1.7 To uphold the Constitution of Malaysia and Rukun Negara and the United Nation Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



5.1 Y.M.M. shall have powers to:
5.1.1 Raise funds to further the aforesaid objects.
5.1.2 Receive grants in aid, endowments, subscriptions, donations and legacies from organisations or persons desiring to promote the aforesaid objects or any of them.
5.1.3 Donate, disburse or expend sums of money in any manner approved by the Central Assembly or the Central Executive Council.
5.1.4 Hold or invest and deal with monies of Y.M.M. not immediately required, in such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Central Assembly or the Central Executive Council with the consent and authority of the Central Assembly.
5.1.5 Hold land and buildings whether purchased, leased, accepted by inheritance, or provided with endowment, for the purposes of establishment and maintenance of schemes for the welfare of young people.
5.1.6 Acquire or undertake the whole or any part of the land, business, property or liabilities of anybody, department or company suitable for the purpose of Y.M.M.
5.1.7 Promote, support or assist in the promotion of any scheme, project or appeal which has the objective of raising of funds in aid of, or the aims conducive to, the welfare of young people.
5.1.8 To print, publish issue or circulate, gratuitously or otherwise, any reports or periodical, books, pamphlets, leaflets, or other documents relating to youth and social development, subject to the approval of the relevant authorities.
5.1.9 To organize and participate in seminars, conferences and meetings of regional, national and international levels directly or in conjunction with national or international youth organisations or welfare agencies.
5.1.10 To do all other lawful things, directly or in co-operation with Government or other agencies, conducive to the attainment of the aforesaid objects or any of them.
5.1.11 Y.M.M. shall have the power to sell, transfer, change or dispose of land, building or other property in accordance with the law applicable to such transaction, provided that a resolution to that effect has been passed by ¾ majority of the delegates attending an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Central Assembly.



6.1 Y.M.M. shall not identify itself with any political party, nor participate in the political activities of any political party.



7.1 Y.M.M. shall adopt for its emblem a wheel-like design which represents Y.M.M. forever surging forward like a giant time wheel in its effort to strengthen youths and facilitate social changes. The stylize initial of Y.M.M is embodied in the centre of the wheel, representing Y.M.M as the driving force of change. The background color is navy blue and the wordings in white. Blue represents service, participation and devotion, white represents the purity of youths, theirs hopes and bright future.



8.1 Membership of Y.M.M. shall be opened to all Malaysian youths from age between 15 to 40.
8.2 Application for membership shall be made in writing in such prescribed form and shall be recommended by a member and shall be sent through the respective Branch and State Branch to the Hon. Secretary General of Y.M.M. who shall submit the application to the Central Executive Council for approval. The decision of the Central Executive Council in this matter shall be final.
8.3 No University or University College Student shall be accepted as a member of the Y.M.M. unless with written approval of the relevant authority of the University/University College concerned.
8.4 Entrance fee shall be RM5.00.
8.5 RM50.00 or such other fee as may be determined by the Central Executive Council from time to time shall be payable by a life member who shall then exempted from the payment of any further subscriptions. All membership fees shall be submitted to the Head Quarter. The legality of the life membership shall expired once attain the age of 40 years old.
8.6 RM4.00 annual subscription payable from the date of admission to the end of the calendar year. All annual subscriptions shall be submitted to the Head Quarter.
8.7 RM10.00 shall be chargeable for transfer of membership from one branch to another or for change from ordinary to life membership.
8.8 All subscription collected shall be remitted in full to the Hon. Treasurer General who shall issue official receipts thereof. Only those who have paid their annual subscriptions by 31st December of the proceeding year to the Hon. Treasurer General shall qualify to attend the Annual General Meeting for the ensuing year. (Who shall then be referred to hereinafter collectively as “Qualified Members or Delegates”)




9.1 Central Assembly:
9.1.1 The Central Assembly shall be the supreme body of Y.M.M.
9.1.2 The Central Assembly shall consist of the following Delegates whose term of office shall be two years.


a) Every qualified State Branch is eligible to elect Central Delegate(s) in accordance with its qualified members. Each State Branch’s total delegates shall not exceed 50 delegates, as per Article 9.3.1B of the Constitution.
b) The members of the Central Executive Council of Y.M.M. as in rule 9.2.1A.
c) The National Hon. Auditors.
9.1.3 The Central Assembly shall meet at least once a year. The quorum for the Central Assembly shall be half of the total delegates to the Central Assembly or twice the total numbers of the Central Executive Council members whichever is lesser.
a) To determine its rules of procedure and form of organisation.
b) To determine the broad policies to govern the programmes and activities of Y.M.M.
c) To review annual reports by the Central Executive Council and to adopt the audited annual accounts.
d) To determine the basis of affiliation and association with national and international organisations.
e) To elect the members of the Central Executive Council and two Hon. Auditors when due.
9.2 Central Executive Council:
9.2.1A The Central Executive Council shall consist of:


a) A President, a Deputy President, Eight (8) Vice Presidents, an Hon. Secretary General, an Hon. Deputy Secretary General, an Hon. Assistant Secretary General and an Hon. Treasurer General, an Hon. Vice Treasurer General, and a National Organising Secretary.
b) 20 Elected Ordinary Members of the Central Executive Council.
c) The Hon. Secretary General, Hon. Deputy Secretary General, Hon. Assistant Secretary General, Hon. Treasurer General, Hon. Vice Treasurer General, National Organising Secretary will be appointed by the President from the delegates of the Central Assembly. To the maximum of SEVEN(7) Ordinary Members approved by the Central Executive Council who may be appointed by the President from the delegates of the Central Assembly,the Council has the rights to revoke such appointment as mentioned above.
d) All State Branches’ Chairman shall automatically be the State Representatives to the Central if he/she does not take on any of the position listed above. If the State Chairman is the Central Member, the State Branch has the rights to appoint another State Representative.
9.2.1B State Chairman or State Representative and Appointed Central Members shall have same duties and powers as for Elected Members, and shall be addressed collectively as “Council Members”.
9.2.2 The term of office of the members of the Central Executive Council shall be two years. All members of the Central Executive Council and any officer carrying out executive functions shall be Malaysian citizens at all levels, irrespective of Central, State, District or Branch levels.
9.2.3 The Central Executive Council shall meet at least once in three months.
9.2.4 The quorum of the Central Executive Council shall be half of the Council Members or Twenty (20) members, whichever is lesser.
9.2.5 Any member who is absent from two consecutive meetings without giving any reasonable cause in writing shall cease to be a member of the Central Executive Council.
9.2.6 The Central Executive Council shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur form time to time except that of the President, provided that the appointee must be the Central Assembly delegates or State Representatives.
9.2.7 If the President shall cease to hold office, the Deputy President shall act in that office until a new President shall have been elected at the next Annual General Meeting of the Central Assembly of the year in which election should be held. Provided that in the event of any reason before a President could have been elected under this clause, the remaining members of Central Executive Council shall elect one of the Eight (8) Vice Presidents to be the acting President.
9.2.8 The functions of the Central Executive Council are:


a) To carry out the decisions of the Central Assembly.
b) To prepare the budget of Y.M.M. and arrange it’s financing subject to the approval of the Central Assembly.
c) To organise all general conferences, study seminars, surveys etc. and to establish the necessary machinery for their conduct.
d) To organise and establish State Branches and approve the establishment of District Branches and Branches as may be required.
e) To approve application for membership of Y.M.M.
f) To formulate, amend and rescind by-laws which shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution of Y.M.M.for the efficient running of Y.M.M. by resolution of the Central Executive Council. Such by-laws shall be deemed to be part of the Constitution and accordingly shall have the same force and effect.
9.2.9 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Central Executive Council. He shall have casting vote. He shall have power to convene at his discretion an emergency meeting of the Central Assembly or the Central Executive Council for the conduct of special business.
9.2.10 The Deputy President shall deputise for the President in the later’s absence. In the absence of both the President and Deputy President one of the Vice Presidents shall deputise for the President.
9.2.11 The Hon. Secretary General shall keep all records except those relating to finance, and shall be responsible for making statutory returns required under the Youth Societies And Youth Development Act 2007. He will circulate notices of meetings and keep a record of Y.M.M. He shall keep a national membership register of members of Y.M.M. The Hon. Secretary General shall authorize expenditure up to a sum of RM3000. Any expenditure exceeding RM3000.00 must be approved by the President, Hon. Secretary General and Hon. Treasurer General. Any expenditure exceeding RM10,000.00 must be approved by the Central Executive Council.
9.2.12 The Hon. Deputy Secretary General shall assist the Secretary General and deputise for him during his absence. In the absence of both the Hon. Secretary General and Hon. Deputy Secretary General, Hon.Assistant Secretary General shall deputise for the Hon. Secretary General.
9.2.13 The Hon. Treasurer General shall be allowed a petty cash not exceeding RM3000.00 in hand and any money in excess shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Central Executive Council. The bank account shall be in the name of Y.M.M. Withdrawals shall be signed by the Hon. Treasurer General and countersigned by either the President or the Hon. Secretary General. The Hon. Treasurer General shall sign all receipts for subscriptions collected. The Hon. Vice Treasurer General shall assist the Hon. Treasurer General and exercise all the Hon. Treasurer General’s power in his absence.
9.2.14 Central Management Council:
The Central Management Council shall consist of the President, Deputy President, Eight Vice Presidents, Hon. Secretary General, Hon. Deputy Secretary General, Hon. Assistant Secretary General, Hon. Treasurer General, Hon. Vice Treasurer General, the National Organising Secretary and one to four members from the rank and file of Y.M.M. appointed by the Central Management Council. All members shall have voting rights. The quorum for a Central Management Council meeting shall be half of the total number of the Central Management Council. The term of the Central Management Council shall be the same as the Central Executive Council, and shall have the following functions:


a) To implement the resolution of the Central Executive Council.
b) To manage all emergency matters.
c) To formulate and implement policies relating to Y.M.M. external affairs.
d) To co-ordinate the activities of the Y.M.M. Headquarters.
9.3 State Branches:
9.3.1 The Central Executive Council shall authorise the establishment in each State a State Branch of Y.M.M. The Hon. Secretary General shall convene a formation meeting of such a State Branch at which meeting at least twenty members form that State must be present for its proceedings to be valid. The management of the State Branch shall be vested in a committee to be elected at the formation meeting from members residing in that State.
9.3.1A State Branch at all time shall have Three (3) or more qualified Branches and at least Eighty (80) members, they must be effective members as at 31st December of the previous year and paid the annual subscriptions, to be a qualified State Branch.
9.3.1B Every qualified Branch must in accordance with the method mentioned here in after elect Central Delegates, to attend the Annual General Assembly.


i Elect Four (4) delegates from the first One Hundred (100) qualified members in the member list.
ii Elect One delegate from every 50 members, from the following Nine Hundred (900) qualified members in the member list.
iii Elect One delegate from every One Hundred members from the rest of the qualified members in the member list, until in accordance with this article elect the delegates to the Annual General Meeting reach the maximum amount of 50 delegates.
9.3.2 The State Assembly shall hold its Annual General Meeting between 1st June and 30th June of each year. At other time an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within 30 days by the State Hon. Secretary upon request in writing of more that one third of the State Delegates or by order of the State Committee or State Chairman or the Central Executive Council.
9.3.3 The Delegates of the State Assembly whose term of office shall be two years shall consist of:


a) Three Delegates from each Branch and an additional Delegate for every one hundred valid members subject to a maximum of seven from each Branch.
b) Three Delegates from each District Branch.
c) Members of the State Committee.
d) The State Hon. Auditors.
9.3.4 The quorum for a State Assembly shall be half of the total delegates to the State Assembly or twice the total numbers of the State Committee members whichever is lesser.
9.3.5 The followings shall be the business transacted at a State Assembly Annual General Meeting:


a) To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.
b) To adopt the annual audited accounts and the annual report of State Branch.
c) To elect the members of the State Committee when due.
d) To elect two Hon. Auditors when due.
e) To elect Central Delegates to attend the Central Assembly.
f) To transact any other business of which at least seven days notice has been given in writing to the State Hon. Secretary.
9.3.6 The State Committee whose term of office shall be two years, shall consist of :-


a) A Chairman, a Deputy Chairman, Four Vice Chairman, an Hon. Secretary, an Hon. Assistant Secretary, an Hon. Treasurer and an Organising Secretary.
b) Not less than ten but not more than fifteen Ordinary State Committee members.
c) The State Chairman will appoint State Secretary, Assistant Secretary, State Treasurer, State Organising Secretary, who shall be State Delegates. The State Chairman with the approval of the State Branch Committee, appoint a maximum Five (5) Ordinary Members. State committee shall have the rights to withdraw the said appointment.
d) Every District Chairman (if any) shall automatically be the State Representative, if the District Chairman is a State Representative, then there will be appointment of another representative.
9.3.7 If State Chairman is a Central Member, State Committee has the power to appoint or change the State Committee to be the State Representative to the Central, except that State Delegate which has been dismissed cannot be re-appointed in the same term.
9.3.8 Appointed State Committee Members and the District Branch Representative shall have same duties and powers as for elected members, and shall be addressed collectively as “State Committee Members”.
9.3.9 The State Committee shall meet at least once in two months.
9.3.10 The quorum for State Committee Meeting shall be at least half of the total number of the State Committee Members or at least 12 persons whichever is less.
9.3.11 Any member of the State Committee who is absent from three consecutive State Committee Meetings without giving any reasonable cause in writing shall cease to be a member of the State Committee. The State Committee shall have power to fill in any vacancy that may occur.
9.3.12 The State Committee shall have power to fill in any vacancy of delegates to the Central Assembly, should the relevant delegate resign in writing or pass away.
9.3.13 The State Chairman shall preside at all State Committee Meetings and sign all minutes. He shall have a casting vote. He shall have the power to convene at his discretion an emergency meeting of the State Assembly of the State Committee for the conduct of special business.
9.3.14 The State Deputy Chairman shall deputise for the State Chairman in the later’s absence. In the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, one of the other Vice Chairman shall deputise for the Chairman.
9.3.15 The State Hon. Secretary shall conduct the business of the State Branch in accordance with the rules of Y.M.M. and carry out the instructions of the State Committee. He shall circulate notices of meetings. He shall keep a membership register of members for the Branches in the State. The State Hon. Secretary shall authorise expenditure up to a sum of RM2, 000.00. Any sum exceeding RM2, 000.00 must be approved by the State Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer. Any sum exceeding RM 5, 000.00 must be approved by the State Committee.
9.3.16 The State Hon. Assistant Secretary shall assist the State Hon. Secretary and deputise for him during his absence.
9.3.17 The State Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies of the State Branch. He shall keep the accounts and submit to the Hon. Treasurer General of Y.M.M. an account of all the grants approved in favour of the State Branch, its subordinate District Branch and Branches.
9.3.18 The funds and properties of the State Branches shall be common properties of Y.M.M. The State Hon. Treasurer shall be allowed a petty cash not exceeding RM1000.00 in hand and any sum in excess shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Central Executive Council in the name of State Branch. Any sum exceeding RM1000.00 must be approved by the State Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer. Any sum exceeding RM2000.00 must be approved by the State Committee.
9.3.19 The State Hon. Treasurer shall submit a quarterly statement of account for the Hon. Treasurer General’s information and records.
9.3.20 The State Committee shall give prior notice in writing to the Central Executive Council of all fund-raising projects. A statement of account shall be submitted to the Hon. Treasurer General within 30 days on completion of such project. All applications for grants shall be carbon-copied to the Hon. Treasurer General and approvals thereto shall be reported to the same in writing within 30 days of such approvals.
9.3.21 The State Committee shall be empowered to set up Sub-Committees to carry out the programmes and activities of Y.M.M. in the State.
9.4 District Branch:
9.4.1A The State Branch may, if deem desirable, and with the approval of Central Executive Council, set up a District Branch within a government district or municipal area where already at least four Branches exist. At least twenty members from a District must be present at the inaugural meeting of the District Branch.
9.4.1B The District Branch shall have at least Three (3) qualified branches to become a qualified District Branch.
9.4.2 The State Committee shall have full control over all District Branches and may suspend or take-over any District Branch for refusal to carry out the rules or decisions of the Central Assembly, the Central Executive Council, the State Assembly or the State Committee. The District Branch so suspended or taken-over may appeal to the Central Executive Council within 14 days and the decision of the Central Executive Council shall be final.
9.4.3 The District Assembly shall hold its Annual General Meeting between 15th April and 15th May of each year. At other time, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within 30 days by the District Hon. Secretary upon request in writing of more than one third of the District Branch Delegates, or by order of the District Chairman of State Committee of the Central Executive Council.
9.4.4 The Delegates of the District Assembly whose term of office shall follow the term of office of the Central Executive Council shall consist of:


a) Five delegates from each Branch who have paid their due subscriptions, wherein amongst them the Branch Chairman, Secretary will automatically be the delegates, should they do not have any position in the District Branch Committee.
b) The members of the District Committee, in accordance with Article 9.4.7A of the Constitution.
c) The District Hon. Auditors.
9.4.5 The quorum for a District Assembly General Meeting shall be half of the total delegates to District Assembly or twice the total numbers of the District Committee members whichever is lesser.
9.4.6 The followings shall be the business transacted at a District Assembly Annual General Meeting.


a) To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.
b) To adopt the annual audited accounts and the annual report of the District Committee.
c) To elect members of the District Committee when due.
d) To elect two Hon. Auditors when due.
e) To elect three Delegates to the State Assembly when due.
f) To transact any other business of which at least seven days notice has been given in writing to the District Hon. Secretary.
9.4.7A A The District Branch Committee, whose term of office shall be two years, shall comprise of:


a) A Chairman, a Deputy Chairman, three Vice Chairman, an Hon. Secretary, an Hon. Assistant Secretary, an Hon. Treasurer and an Organising Secretary.
b) Not less than six but not more than twelve Committee Members elected at the Annual General Meeting of the District Assembly.
c) District Branch Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer, Organising Secretary will be appointed by District Branch Chairman. District Branch Chairman with the approval of the District Branch Committee can appoint a maximum of Four (4) members, who must be State Branch delegates, the District Branch Committee has the power to revoke such appointment as mentioned above.
9.4.8 The District Committee shall meet at least once in two months.
9.4.9 The quorum for a District Committee Meeting shall be half of the total numbers of the District Committee Members or at least 10 members, whichever is lesser.
9.4.10 Any member of the District Committee who is absent from three consecutive District Committee Meetings without giving any reasonable cause in writing shall cease to be a member of the District Committee. The District Committee shall have the power to fill in any vacancy that may occur.
9.4.11 The District Committee shall have power to fill in any vacancy of delegates to the State Assembly, should the relevant delegate resign in writing or pass away.
9.4.12 The District Chairman shall preside at all District Committee Meetings and sign all minutes. He shall have a casting vote. He shall have the power to convene at his discretion an emergency meeting of the District Assembly or the District Committee for the conduct of special business.
9.4.13 The District Deputy Chairman shall deputise the District Chairman in the later’s absence. In the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, one of the other Vice Chairman shall deputise for the Chairman.
9.4.14 The District Hon. Secretary shall conduct the business of the District in accordance with the rules of Y.M.M. and carry out the instructions of the District Committee. He shall circulate notices of meeting.
9.4.15 The District Hon. Assistant Secretary shall assist the District Hon. Secretary and shall deputise for the later in his absence.
9.4.16 The District Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies of the District Branch. He shall keep the account.
9.4.17 The funds and properties of the District Branch shall be common properties of Y.M.M. The District Hon. Treasurer shall be allowed a petty cash not exceeding RM800.00 in hand and any sum in excess shall be deposited in a bank approved by Central Executive Council in the name of District Branch. The District Hon. Secretary shall authorise expenditure up to a sum of RM800.00. Any sum exceeding RM800.00 must be approved by the District Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer. Any sum exceeding RM1,000.00 must be approved by the District Committee.
9.4.18 The District Branch Hon. Treasurer shall submit an annual statement of accounts to the Hon. Treasurer General and the State Hon. Treasurer for their information and records.
9.4.19 The District Branch Committee shall give prior notice in writing to the State Committee of all fund-raising projects. A statement shall be submitted to the State Hon. Treasurer within 30 days on completion of such projects. All applications for grants shall be carbon-copied to the Hon. Treasurer General and State Hon. Treasurer, and approvals thereto shall be reported in writing to the Hon. Treasurer General within 30 days of such approvals with carbon-copied of such report submitted to the State Hon. Treasurer for his record.
9.5 Branch:
9.5.1A The State Branch may establish Branches in such places, areas or town in a State, when the State Committee shall deem desirable with the approval of the Central Executive Council. At least twenty members are required to form a Branch.
9.5.1B A newly formed Branch will automatically become a member of the relevant District Branch if any.
9.5.2 The Branch Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman, two Vice Chairman, and not less than five members but not more than nine members elected at the Branch Annual General Meeting. Two Hon. Auditors shall be elected. The term of office shall be two years.
9.5.2A Branch Chairman will appoint Branch Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer. Branch Chairman with the approval of the Branch Committee, appoint a maximum Two (2) committee members, the Committee has the powers to revoke such appointment as mentioned above.
9.5.3 The quorum for the Branch General Meeting shall be half of the total branch membership or twice the total number of the Branch Committee members whichever is lesser.
9.5.4 The quorum of a Branch Committee meeting shall be half of the total number of Branch Committee members or at least 7 members whichever is the lesser.
9.5.5 Any member who is absent from three consecutive meetings without giving any reasonable cause in writing shall cease to be a member of the Branch Committee. The Branch Committee shall have power to fill in any vacancy that may occur.
9.5.6 The Branch Committee shall have power to fill in any of delegates to the State Assembly and the District Assembly that may occur.
9.5.7 The State Committee shall have full control over all Branches and may suspend or take-over any Branches for refusal to carry out the rules or decisions of the Central Assembly, the Central Executive Council, the State Assembly, the State Committee or the District Committee. The Branch suspended or taken-over may appeal to the Central Executive Council within 14 days and the decision of the Central Executive Council shall be final.
9.5.8 The Branch shall hold its Annual General Meeting between 1st February and 31st March of each year. At other time, an Extraordinary General Meeting should be called within 30 days by the Branch Hon. Secretary upon request in writing of more than one-third of the valid members of the Branch or by order of the Branch Committee, the Branch Chairman or District Committee or State Committee or the Central Executive Council.
9.5.9 The business to be transacted at the Branch Annual General Meeting shall be the following:


a) To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.
b) To adopt the annual audited accounts and the annual report of the Branch.
c) To elect members of the Branch Committee when due.
d) To elect two Hon. Auditors when due.
e) To elect five delegates to the District Assembly when due.
f) To elect delegates to the State Assembly when due.
g) To transact any other business of which at least seven days notice has been given in writing to the Branch Hon. Secretary.
9.5.10 The Branch Chairman shall preside at all Branch Committee Meetings and sign all minutes. He shall have a casting vote. He shall have power to convene at his discretion any emergency meeting of the Branch or Branch Committee for the conduct of special business.
9.5.11 The Branch Deputy Chairman shall deputise for the later’s absence. In the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall deputise for the Chairman.
9.5.12 The Branch Hon. Secretary shall conduct the business of the Branch in accordance with the rules of Y.M.M. and carry out the instructions of the Branch Committee. He shall circulate notices of meetings and keep a record of all meetings. He shall keep a membership register of members of the Branch.
9.5.13 The Branch Hon. Assistant Secretary shall assist the Branch Hon. Secretary and shall deputise for the later in his absence.
9.5.14 The Branch Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies of the Branch. He shall keep the account, collect subscriptions and forward all such collection to the Hon. Treasurer General through the State Hon. Treasurer. He shall notify those members of the Branch who are in arrears of subscriptions and shall notify the Central Executive Council through the Branch Hon. Secretary and the State Hon. Secretary of the removal of names of persons who have ceased to be members.
9.5.15 The Branch Committee shall obtain the prior approval of the State Committee for all fund-raising projects. A statement of accounts shall be submitted to the State Hon. Treasurer within 30 days on completion of such projects. All applications for grants shall be carbon-copied to the Hon. Treasurer General, the State Hon. Treasurer and the District Branch Hon. Treasurer, and approvals thereto shall be reported in writing to the Hon. Treasurer General within 30 days of such approvals with copies of such report submitted to the State Hon. Treasurer and District Branch Hon. Treasurer for their records.
9.5.16 The funds and properties of the Branch shall be the common properties of Y.M.M. The Branch Treasurer shall be allowed a petty cash not exceeding RM500.00 in hand and any sum in excess shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Central Executive Council, in the name of the Branch. The Branch Hon. Secretary shall authorize expenditure up to a sum of RM500.00. Any sum exceeding RM500.00 must be approved by the Branch Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer. Any sum exceeding RM1000 shall be approved by the Branch Committee.
9.5.17 The Branch Hon. Treasurer shall submit an annual statement of accounts to the Hon. Treasurer General, the State Hon. Treasurer and the District Branch Hon. Treasurer for their information and records.
9.6 Honorary positions:
9.6.1 The Central Executive Council, State Committee, District Committee and Branch Committee may appoint distinguished persons, professionals, members who have contributed substantially to Y.M.M. and individuals devoted to the cause of social services to become Patron, Hon. Auditor, Medical Advisor, Legal Advisor, General Advisor or Advisor, whose term of office shall be the same as the appointing Council or Committee.
9.6.2 The Central Executive Council may appoint persons who have contributed to the long-term development of Y.M.M. to become Hon. President, whose term of office shall be similar to the Said Council.
9.7 Rules of operation:
  The guidelines for the operation of administration and activity at all levels, irrespective of Central, State, District or Branch levels shall be based on the standard decided by Y.M.M Head Quarter.


10.1 Annual General Meeting of the Central Assembly:
10.1.1 The Central Assembly shall hold its Annual General Meeting between 15th July and 15th August of each year. The business to be transacted shall be as follows:


a) To read and confirm the minutes of the previous meeting
b) To adopt the Annual Report.
c) To adopt and pass the Annual Audited Accounts.
d) To elect the Members of the Central Executive Council when due.
e) To elect two Hon. Auditors when due.
f) To transact any other business of which at least seven days notice in writing has been given to the Hon. Secretary General.
10.2 Extraordinary General Meeting of the Central Assembly:
10.2.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the President or the Central Executive Council or by requisition in writing of at least one-third of the delegates of the General Assembly to the Hon. Secretary General who shall fix the date of such meeting not later than fourteen days from receipt of the requisition. The business transacted shall only be that for which the meeting has been specially called and notified in the agenda.
10.3 Notice of Meetings:
10.3.1 At least two weeks notice shall be given for all General Meeting of the Central Assembly or State Assembly or District Assembly or Branches.
10.3.2 At least ten days notice shall be given for the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Central Assembly or State Assembly or District Assembly or Branches.
10.3.3 At least seven days notice shall be given for all Central Executive Council, Central Management Council, State Committee, District Committee and Branch Committee.
10.4 If after half an hour from the time fixed for a meeting a quorum is not present, a meeting if convened upon requisition of members shall be dissolved. In any other case the meeting shall be postponed to a date not earlier than seven days and not later than fourteen days. At the postponed meeting the delegates or the members present as the case may be shall constitute the quorum. Any how, a minimum of seven members who attend, shall from the quorum of ant postponed meeting of the branch.
10.5 The General Meetings of the Central Assembly or State Assembly or District Assembly or Branches shall be conducted by a Speaker appointed by the Central Executive or the State Committee or the District Committee or the Branch Committee as the case may be. The Speaker shall conduct and control the smooth running of the General Meeting and suspend any delegate or member disobeying the order from attending the meeting.
10.6 The election year for the various branches of Y.M.M. shall be the same as for the Central Executive Council and all branches having election in other years shall conduct re-election during the election year.
10.7 All mails documents and relevant particulars may be transmitted via email. The validity of such emails are similar to that of conventional post.



11.1 When any matter is to be decided by vote at a General Meeting of the Central Assembly or State Assembly or District Assembly or Branch, each delegate or each member as the case may be present at the moment shall have one vote only. In the case of equality of votes, the matter shall be deemed defeated.
11.2 When any matter is to be decided by vote at a meeting of the Central Executive Council or State Committee or District Committee or Branch Committee, each member of the Central Executive Council or State Committee or District Committee or Branch Committee shall have one vote only, the President or the Chairman shall decided by casting a vote.
11.3 Voting shall be by ballot for the election of members to the Central Executive Council or State Committee or District Committee or Branch Committee. For all other matters voting shall be by ballot or show of hands as the meeting may decide.
11.4 Members who are in arrears of annual subscription shall have no right to vote at any General Meeting and shall not be eligible to stand for election of members to the Central Executive Council or State Committee or District Committee or Branch Committee.



12.1A The Candidates, their proposers and seconders to the Central Executive Council, the State Committee, the District Committee and the Branch Committee shall be qualified Delegates to the Central Assembly, State Assembly or District Assembly and qualified Member, who shall not be above the age of 40 as at 1st January of the year in which election is held.
12.1B The President and Chairman of the State Branch, District Branch and Branches Committee shall not be re-elected for more than Three (3) consecutive terms.
12.2 The candidate to the Central Executive Council, the State Committee or the District Committee shall also be the delegate to the Central Assembly, the State Assembly or the District Assembly as the case may be.
12.3 The delegate to the Central Assembly, and the State Assembly shall have been a qualified member of Y.M.M. for at least one year as at 1st January of the year of Assembly. The President may in special circumstances, and with the approval of the Central Executive Council exempt the application of this Article.
12.4 All candidates to the Central Executive Council, the State Committee, the District Committee and the Branch Committee and all officers carrying out executive functions shall be Malaysian citizens.
12.5 No member in the Central Executive Council, State Committee, District Committee or Branch Committee shall hold more than one post in the respective Council or Committee.
12.6 All salaried staffs of Y.M.M. shall have no voting rights, nor shall they become delegates to any Assembly.



13.1 The Central Executive Council shall have power to appoint at least five but at most fifteen persons to form a Central Consultative Council, whose term of office shall be concurrent with the Central Executive Council.
13.2 The Central Consultative Council shall serve as consultative body for the Central Executive Council in its formulation of policies, programmes and activities of Y.M.M.
13.3 The members of the Central Consultative Council shall elect from among themselves a Chairman and Secretary. The quorum of the meeting of the Central Consultative Council shall be half of its membership.
13.4 The Central Consultative Council shall meet whenever necessary and a notice of at least 14 days shall be served by its Secretary to the members of the Central Consultative Council.
13.5 The Chairman of the Central Consultative Council shall preside at all meetings of the Central Consultative Council and sign all minutes. He shall have casting vote. He shall have the power to convene at his discretion an emergency meeting of the Central Consultative Council for the conduct of special business.
13.6 The Secretary of the Central Consultative Council shall conduct the business of the Central Consultative Council in accordance with the rules of Y.M.M. and carry out the instruction of the Central Consultative Council. He shall circulate notices of meetings and keep a record of all meetings of the Central Consultative Council.



14.1 Pursuant to section 11(b) of the Youth Societies And Youth Development Act 2007, the President, Hon. Secretary General and Hon. Treasurer General shall administer the immovable property of the Society and shall have the power to jointly sign, execute all forms instruments documents in relation to the sell, transfer, charge or dispose of such immovable property of the society. They shall serve in this capacity for the duration of their term of office in the Central Executive Council. They will automatically cease to hold that position when their term of office ends.
14.2 The President, Hon. Secretary General and Hon. Treasurer General are not empowered to sell, transfer, charge or dispose of the immovable property of the Society unless given the authority to do so by the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Central Assembly.



15.1 The Disciplinary Board shall consist of seven members from at least four different States elected amongst the members of the Central Executive Council for a term of two years. The Board is empowered to suspend or take-over any State Branches, District Branch or Branches, to suspend or dismiss any post and to expel members, and to attend to complaints and appeals from members, any Council or Committee Member and from any State Branch or below. Any member, Council or Committee or Branch of any levels affected by its decision may appeal to the Central Executive Council within fourteen days of receiving the decision.
15.2 The members of the Disciplinary Board shall elect from among themselves a Chairman and a Secretary. The quorum of the meeting of the Disciplinary Board shall be half of its membership.
15.3 The Disciplinary Board shall meet whenever the needs arise. A notice of meeting of at least 3 days shall be served by the Secretary of the Disciplinary Board.
15.4 The Chairman of the Disciplinary Board shall preside at all meetings of the Disciplinary Board and sign all minutes. He shall have casting vote.
15.5 The Secretary of the Disciplinary Board shall conduct the business of the Disciplinary Board in accordance with the rules of Y.M.M. and carry out the instructions of the Disciplinary Board. He shall circulate notices of meetings and keep a record of all meetings of the Disciplinary Board.
15.6 A The decision of the Disciplinary Board shall be final.
15.6 B If there is appeal, the decision of the Central Executive Council shall be final.



16A.1 NAME
  The fund is known as “Young Malaysian Movement Charity and Educational Fund”, herein after called “the fund”.
  The objectives of the Fund are:


a) To assist cultural, educational and charitable institutions of all races,
b) To assist the activities organized by cultural, educational and charitable institutions of all races,
c) To relieve the sick and calamity-stricken, the poor and the needy,
d) To sponsor Malaysian youth into career in education,
e) To sponsor Malaysian youth studying in youth and cultural courses.
  The office of the Fund shall be situated at: 42G-3, Lorong 6E/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
a) The Fund may raise donations from Y.M.M members.
b) The Fund may appeal for donations or otherwise raise funds from the public if and when deemed necessary.
c) The fund raised shall be deposited in interest bearing accounts with established banks or licensed financial institutions approved by the Y.M.M. Central Executive Council.
d) Subject to the consent and authorization of Y.M.M. Central Executive, the Fund shall have power to purchase or other wise acquire for the purpose of the Fund any immovable property.
e) The Fund is not allowed to carry out any business activity or to utilize its property for commercial purpose.
f) The audited statement of accounts and the name of Director Council of the Fund shall be submitted to Y.M.M. Central Executive Council annually.
g) The audited statement of accounts and the name list Director Council of the Fund shall be submitted to Director General of Inland Revenue, Malaysia annually.
a) Malaysians who are above 21 years of age and or any association or commercial organization that is registered or incorporated in Malaysia.
b) Any association or commercial organization registered or incorporated in Malaysia which donates a sum of not less than RM5, 000.00, or an individual who donates not less than RM1,000.00 to the Fund shall become a life member of the Fund.
c) Applicants who wish to be members of the Fund shall be proposed by a member of the Fund and seconded by a member of Y.M.M Central Executive Council and must complete the application form to be forwarded to the YMM Central Executive Council for approval. The decision of YMM Central Executive Council shall be final.
a) Individual convicted for criminal offence or adjudged bankrupt.
b) Winding up of Company or deregistered association.
c) Individual who has been verified by a medical practitioner to be mentally disabled.
d) Individual who resigns on their his accord.
e) Individual who breaches the Rules and Regulations of Y.M.M.
a) Annual General Meeting of the Fund shall be held at least once a year to receive report of the Director Council and the audited accounts for the preceding year.
b) Members’ Assembly shall be the highest organization of the Funds. The quorum of the Assembly shall be half of the members or double the member of the Directors, whichever is lesser. And elect not less than 10 members and a maximum of 25 members for the Board of Directors’ and 2 Auditors, and be elected within 60 days from the date of Y.M.M. Central Committee’s election.
c) The first 50 life members shall have the privilege to elect 10 member directors to the Director Council. There shall be an increase of 1 elected member Director to the Director Council for every additional 25 members.
a) Director Council shall consist of elected member Directors and non-member Directors.
b) Both elected member director and non-member directors shall have equal members in the Council, and such non-member Directors shall be recommended by the “Y.M.M. Central Executive Council”.
c) The Director Council shall elect a Director President, a Director Deputy President, three Director Vice Presidents, an Honorary Director Secretary, an Assistant Honorary Director Secretary, an Honorary Director Treasurer, an Assistant Honorary Director Treasurer, so as to form a nine-member Director Management Council.
d) The quorum for the meeting of Director Council shall be 15, or half of the total number of Director, whichever shall be the lesser.
e) The Council shall convene a meeting once in every six months. The Honorary Director Secretary shall notice the Director in writing at least 14 days before the date of meeting.
f) The Director President shall chair all meeting of Director Council and sign all minutes of the meeting. The Director President shall have the second vote in the event of a tie. The Director President shall also have the right to call for any emergency meeting to deal with any specific case.
g) The Honorary Director Secretary shall discharge and perform his duties with regards to the affairs of the Director Council and to execute the latter’s instruction in accordance with the rules and regulations of YMM. The Honorary Director Secretary shall send out notice of meeting for all meetings and shall record the minutes for all meeting of Director Council.
h) The Director Council shall be entitled to form any committee to carry out its functions effectively.
a) The Director President shall chair all meetings. In the absence of the Director President. The Director Deputy President shall chair the meetings.
b) The Honorary Director Secretary shall be in charge all matters concerning the Fund including the execution of all resolutions.
c) The Assistant Honorary Director Secretary shall assist the Honorary Secretary in his duties. In the Honorary Secretary’s absence, the Assistant Honorary Secretary shall deputies for him.
d) The Honorary Director Treasurer shall take charge of all payments and collections of the Fund. He may keep a petty cash not exceeding RM1,000.00 in hand and any money in excess must be deposited into a bank or licensed financial institution approved by the YMM Central Executive Council.
e) The Assistant Honorary Director Treasurer shall assist the Honorary Director Treasurer in his duties. In the Honorary Director Treasurer’s absence, the Assistant Honorary Director Treasurer shall deputise for him.
f) All cheques must be signed by three persons, i.e. one from each of the following groups:-
i. Director President or Director Deputy President
ii. Honorary Director Secretary or Assistant Honorary Director Secretary
iii. Honorary Director Treasurer of Assistant Honorary Director Treasurer
g) The Director Council shall upon receipt of any monies, issue temporary receipts supplied by the secretariat of the Fund, and shall as soon as possible hand over the monies to the Treasurer of the Fund to be deposited into the Fund’s banks account and for an official receipt to be issued by the Treasurer of the Fund.
h) All coordination work of the Fund shall be performed by the Director Management Council, other Directors shall assist in all matters relating to the Fund.
  The Director President or the Honorary Director Secretary shall be entitled to sanction any expenses up to RM 5,000.00 (Ringgit Five Thousands). Any expenses exceeding RM 5,000.00 shall be made with the approval of the Director Management Council.
  The Investigation Committee shall consist of 5 Directors to be appointed from among the Directors of the Director Council. The Committee shall be responsible to assess the applications for charity and education grants, and to and make recommendations to the Director Council for a decision.
  In the event dissolution of the Fund, the surplus asset after discharge of all legal liabilities, shall be donated to the Government (Federal State) or any organizations having objectives similar to those of this Fund and which have been approved by the Director General of Inland Revenue, Malaysia.
  Y.M.M. Central Assembly has the right to amend, delete and / or make additions to above regulations.
16.1 The annual Receipts and Payments Accounts and Balance Sheet of Y.M.M. shall be published in the Annual Report for presentation to the Central Assembly at its Annual General Meeting and copies shall be sent with notice of the Annual General Meeting to the delegates of the Central Assembly.
16.2 The income and properties of Y.M.M. and all money received by or on behalf of Y.M.M. shall be applied solely toward the furtherance, promotion and execution of the objects of Y.M.M. and no portion thereof shall be paid by way of dividend, bonus or profit to any member of Y.M.M. provided that nothing herein expressed or contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration or expense or both to any officer or servant of Y.M.M. or to any member of Y.M.M. or other person or persons for services actually rendered by him or them to Y.M.M.
16.3 The Hon. Auditors of the National Y.M.M. or State Branches or District Branches or Branches shall be required to audit the accounts of the National Headquarter or State Branches or District Branches or Branches respectively for the year and to prepare reports to the Annual General Meeting of the Central Assembly or State Assembly or District or Branch as the case may be.
The Hon. Auditors may also be required by the President or Chairman to audit the accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and to make reports to the Central Executive Council or State Committee or District Committee or Branch Committees as the case may be.
16.4 The mode of election of the Hon. Auditors of the Central, State, District and Branch Assemblies shall be similar to that of election of the respective Council or Committee.
16.5 The Auditors of the Central Executive Council, State Branch Committee, District Branch Committee and Branch Committee shall audit the relevant accounts of the Committees, to be submitted for the approval of the relevant Assembly. Should the Auditor for any reason whatsoever unable to exercise his duties, the accounts will be audited by the auditors in the unit it belongs to, the accounts of Branch Committee will be audited by the auditors of the District Branch or State Branch it belongs to (if there is no District Branch), the accounts of the District Branch will be audited by the auditors of the State Branch it belongs to, the accounts of State Branch will be audited by the Auditor General.
16.6 Any vacancy in the position of Hon. Auditor may be filled by the General Meeting of the Central, State, District or Branches Assembly.
16.7 The financial year report for all unit shall be 1st January to 31st December of each year.



17.1 These rules may be added to, repealed or amended at any General Meeting of the Central Assembly provided thirty days notice of the proposed amendments has been given in writing. No alterations or amendment shall be enforced without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Youth Societies. Any amendment to the rules shall be submitted to the Registrar of Youth Societies within 30 days of being passed by the Central Assembly.



18.1 For the interpretation of these rules the decision of the Central Executive Council shall be binding on the members unless set aside by a General Meeting of the Central Assembly. The Central Executive Council shall have power to exercise its discretion in dealing with matters not provided for in these rules.



19.1 The Membership register to be maintained by the National Headquarter, State Branch, District Branch and Branches shall contain the following particulars namely name, address, I.C. number, date of birth, occupation and date of admission.



20.1 Y.M.M. shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than 3/5 of the delegates of Y.M.M. expressed at a General Meeting of the Central Assembly of Y.M.M. convened for the purpose.
20.2 In the event of Y.M.M. being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of Y.M.M. shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds be distributed in any manner decided by the Central Assembly.Notice of dissolution signed by the Central Executive Council shall be given within fourteen days of dissolution to the Registrar of Youth Societies.

42G-3, Lorong 6E/91,
Taman Shamelin Perkasa,
56100 KL, Malaysia

+603- 9281 2111